16 MegaTravel Pass to parents and young people along with the opportunities that the pass opens up enabling the purchase of other value-for-money 1 day, 7 day and 28 day tickets, such as the GetAbout or GetAbout+.

This free pass entitles school pupils up to the age of 16, who live in South Yorkshire to travel for a child concessionary fare of 80p per journey on bus and tram, and half fare on Northern trains in South Yorkshire

Additionally, pass holders are eligible to purchase a range of value-for-money child tickets from bus and tram operators, including prepaid weekly tickets offering unlimited travel across South Yorkshire.


Under 16 MegaTravel Passes are available to young people under the age of 16 who live in South Yorkshire.  Early application is encouraged in order to benefit from discounted travel over the Summer holidays.

How to apply

The quickest way to apply for an under 16 MegaTravel Pass is online by using a MyTSY account.  Full details can be found at www.travelsouthyorkshire.com/megatravel/.

We aim to dispatch each pass within seven days of receiving a completed online application if all details are correct.

Alternatively, if customers are unable to apply online they can apply, and replace their passes as follows:

  • by posting a completed application form to: Contact Centre, SYPTE, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ, or via a drop-box at any Interchange Customer Service Desk.

Paper application forms are available from Interchange Customer Service Desks.  Paper applications will be dispatched within 21 days of receiving a completed application form.  Passes will be posted to the customer’s home address which must be within South Yorkshire.

How is this information being communicated to customers?

South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) is currently working hard with local education providers, parents and youth community groups to promote concessionary travel for young people living in South Yorkshire and encouraging applications during the Summer months so that pupils have their MegaTravel Pass before the start of school term in September.

Posters and information regarding how to apply and the range of value for money tickets available with a MegaTravel Pass are being sent to Primary and Secondary Schools in South Yorkshire and we will be displaying posters in our interchanges and on street. Additionally, adverts will be posted on social media along with a banner on the Travel South Yorkshire website and promotions via Hallam FM.

As well as promoting the 80p single fare available with a MegaTravel Pass, our Marketing and Communications team will be taking this opportunity to make pupils, parents and teachers aware of the value for money 7 day tickets available to pass holders.